Jan's latest book published June 2024 - Music To Our Ears Again

Folk Radio Hall of Fame Inductee-Jan Vanderhorst 

Great News!  Jan was inducted into the Folk Radio Hall of Fame at the Folk Alliance International Conference. It was established to recognize radio DJs who have made an outstanding contribution to the preservation, promotion, and presentation of folk music, and who have demonstrated and inspired leadership in the broadcast field.⁠ Jan received his award in Kansas City on February 21, 2024.


More exciting News! Jan has just published his third book “Music To Our Ears Again”. This third book contains intimate conversations about personal obstacles faced by musicians attempting to write, record, and perform in these formidable times. This time capsule of interviews (2022-2024) is illustrated with dozens of photographs of Jan with the artists he has met along the way. Each interview chapter is a short inspirational read of how musicians met the challenges, and continue to make music for our ears again!

"Just Us Folk" is celebrating FORTY-TWO years of highlighting great roots and folk music. Please take a moment to explore the website and enjoy the shows online. Shows are now archived.  

My "Folk Notes" articles are NOW published in paperback and Kindle formats. Click on the books above to purchase. 

Thank you to all of the artists, record companies and festivals who have been so generous to me for over 4 decades.  

I am accepting new music at this address.

Jan Vanderhorst   

"Just Us Folk"  

16 Primrose Path  

Kitchener, Ont.,  


N2E 2R2  

You can also reach me at:  justusfolk@rogers.com 

Thanks again for everyone's support. I couldn't have done the show without you! - Jan

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